Ultra 5000 » UltraForce by Galoob

NM-E [#10]

Ammo arms fire electro missiles!
  • Comics
  • Animation
Ammo arms (left and right)
Electro missiles (x2)
Series Notes

These were chase figures available 1-per-case in regular figures (except for the #0 Prime which was a hobby shop release). Each figure was reportedly limited to 5,000 pieces each, but the #0 Prime was reportedly around 3,500.

The last several figures released as part of the Ultra 5000 chase series were rumored to be limited to 504 pieces (some say fewer) because the line was scrapped before all 5,000 could be produced and shipped. These are listed in the Ultra 504 series.

4 and Up
Release Year
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047246 756421
Package Description

Part man, part computer NM-E is a bio-mechanical killing machine that once slaughtered The Squad, Hardcase’s first team.* He is completely invincible, although he can be put out of commission temporarily. NM-E is armed with formidable high-tech weapons and scythe-like limbs that slash, detach, and extend. He thinks, adapts and never quits. (*See HARDCASE Comic Book #1. –Ultra Editor)

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