A threat has emerged from the cosmos as Thanos, a ruthless warrior, plans to collect all of the Infinity Stones, joined by his formidable allies, he will be near-unstoppable at achieving his goal. The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man must join forces and fight side by side to stop Thanos while the fate of the Earth and the universe lays in the balance.
After being an integral part of the Avengers team from the start, Tony Stark finds himself divided from Earth's Mightiest Heroes. But now, faced with an imminent, deadly threat unlike any he has ever encountered, Stark will be forced to call upon some familiar faces and battle alongside some new allies.
The Avengers are brought face to face with the cunning, intelligent, and fierce warlord, Thanos, a ruthless cosmic threat consumed with saving the universe from itself. To stop him, the Avengers must join forces to bring down this villain who will stop at nothing to collect the six Infinity Stones.
As Doctor Stephen Strange gets accustomed to his new role as a guardian of the Sanctum Sanctorum and sworn protector of the Eye of Agamotto, this Master of the Mystic Arts will soon discover how much further his universe will expand when the cosmos are in jeopardy.