SOARON SKY SENTRY Date: 8.31.2172
FULL NAME: Soaron 71852 -- Sky Sentry (Prototype) CLASSIFICATION: Warlord -- Class 1A/Aerial Unit PROGRAM: Primary function: Execute orders of Lord Dread without fail. 2nd Function: Provide Air Surveillance for Volcania and the Empire. CHARACTERISTICS: Highly intelligent… Merciless… Moves with lightning speed and is unstoppable when airborn. KNOWN WEAKNESS: Underestimates human strategy & endurance capacity… Subject is weaker when grounded. Lure to ground whenever possible. SPECIAL TACTICAL WEAPON: Digitizer Staff. MILITARY INSIGNIA: Sky Sentry Symbol. CURRENT STATUS: The first "Warlord" Bio Dread… self-replication enables it to reproduce/repair any damaged parts in battle… A one-of-a-kind unit. WARNING: Capable of destroying small cities… engage in battle only when unavoidable… artificially intelligent – can "think" during battle.