NAME: AVERY F. BUTLER RANK: Platoon Commander ASSIGNMENT: ExoSquad JumpTroop: Charlie-Five Squadron E-FRAME TYPE: UltraLight Command #AD-014
DOSSIER: Avery F. Butler is Platoon Commander of JumpTroop: Charlie-Five Squadron. He is an officer of few words and heavy actions. When Butler speaks, Charlie-Five Squadron listens. Butler was commissioned as JumpTroop commander after he led a successful dual-front attack against the Neosapiens and the Tethian Pirates. His lightning fast maneuvers are noted in ExoSquad battle history and feared by oppressing Neos and marauding space pirates. Butler's UltraLight Command E-Frame is designed with static Jovian Ice Moon Cammo ideal for guerilla warfare in the treacherous caves on the ice moons orbiting Jupiter.