Commander of the Starship Enterprise SUBJECT: Jean-Luc Picard SPECIES: Human. Born in LaBarre, France: Earth RANK: Starfleet Captain ASSIGNED VESSEL: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D PREVIOUS VESSEL: U.S.S. Stargazer MEDICAL HISTORY: Cardiac Replacement Surgery (Stardate 42279) PHYSICAL CONDITION: Excellent PROFILE: Picard, Jean-Luc. Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. A born explorer. Of French descent. Honorable. Loyal. Stern, yet receptive. Commands absolute authority. Persuasive negotiator. Most respected captain in Starfleet. Too valuable to leave the Enterprise for extended periods. Must limit participation on Away Teams to emergencies and diplomatic situations only. Dislikes the use of force, unless absolutely necessary. Excellent swordsman. Skilled in Type I Hand Phaser and several forms of self-defense. Distrusts the Ferengi. Ranks the Borg as his most dangerous adversary. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE NOTATION: Stardate 43345.94. Captain Jean-Luc Picard successfully manages to save Counselor Troi from her captor, Armus. Picard orders ship's phasers to destroy Armus' only way off the planet, neutralizing his escape.