DC: Twilight Brigade

The Twilight Brigade was made by Jess S.

- Body: Marvel vs. Capcom Captain Commando
- Arms: Secret Forces Colossus
- Hands: Archangel
- Gauntlets: Captain Commando forearms attached to a backpack by springs coated in Plasti-Dip

- Body: Witchblade Series 2 Ian Nottingham
- Hands: Marvel vs. Capcom Captain America
- Head: Fantastic Four Human Torch
- Trenchcoat: Magic Sculp

- Body: Special Forces Jean Grey
- Legs (from mid-thigh down): She-Force Viper
- Head: She-Force Viper

- Body: Marvel's Most Wanted Spat
- Legs: Magic Sculp

- Body: Avengers Loki
- Head: DC Superheroes Superman Blue
- Boots & Hair: Magic Sculp

The Atom
- Body: Captain Britain

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