Global Guardians

All of the Global Guardian figures were made by Justice Freak.

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Dr. Mist & Lil Mermaid

Dr. Mist: Made from a JLA Superman Blue. The armbands, wrist bracelets, helmet, belt, and skirted area were made from Sculpy. The cape was modified from a JLA Martina Manhunter.

Lil Mermaid: Made from Toybiz Marvel X-men Battle Blaster Jean Grey. Sculpy was used to make the hair, collar, and the fins on the gloves.

Jack-O-Lantern & Owlwoman

Jack-O-Lantern: Made from a JLA Martian Manhunter. The cape is from a JLA Red Tornado. Sculpy was used for the mask, gloves, and lantern.

Owlwoman: Made from a Toybiz Marvel Spider-man Wasp figure. The head is from a Batman & Robin Poison Ivy. The mask is a cross between Toybiz Marvel Alpha Flight Snowbird headpiece and some sculpy. Sculpy was also used to make the fringes and the boots.

Seraph & Tuatara

Seraph: Made from a Legends of Batman Nightwing. The toga was made from sculpy along with the hair. Also made from sculpy were the boots and wristbands. The staff was made from a long piece of plastic covered in sculpy.

Tuatara: Made froma JLA Red Tornado. The head fin and belt and gloves were made from sculpy.

Green Fury & Ice Maiden

Green Fury: Made from Batman & Robin Poison Ivy. A little sculpy was used to make the shoulder pads.

Ice Maiden: Made from a Batman & Robin Poison Ivy. Sculpy was applied to make the puffy shoulders and the boots & gloves.

Tasmanian Devil & Bushmaster

Bushmaster: Made from a JLA Caped Crusader Batman, a little sculpy was applied to smooth some areas out.

Tasmanian Devil: Made from a cyber link Batman. Covered in Sculpy, the fur lines were etched with a toothpick.

Wild Huntsman & Impala

Impala: Made from a JLA Superman Red. The head comes from a Total Justice Black Lightning. Sculpy was used to create the headdress, loincloth, and the wrist & legs bands.

Wild Huntsman: Made from a JLA Superman Blue. The helmet, strap, cape, belt, boots, hair, and bread were all made using sculpy.

Godiva & Olympian

Godiva: Made from a Toybiz Marvel X-men Monster Armor Rogue. Some sculpy was used to make the belt and boots, and also to smooth out some areas.

Olympian: Made from a JLA Green Lantern. The arms come from a JLA Caped Crusader Batman, while the cape is modified from a JLA Martian Manhunter. Sculpy was used to create the ram's horns on the mask. Also the belt and toga were made from sculpy.

Rising Sun & Thunderlord

Rising Sun: Made from a JLA Superboy. The collar and sleeves were created from sculpy.

Thunderlord: Made from JLA Robin. Sculpy was used to make the sleeves, belt, skirted area, and pants. may earn commissions when you shop at eBay.