Many Faces of Robin

All the Many Faces of Robin figures were made by Robin MacRorie.

Check out Robin's site!

King Snake

Made from a Bane figure. Muscle shirt Dremeled off, pants added with Sculpey. Facemask Dremeled off, hair added with Sculpey. Snake on torso painted by hand.

Dick Grayson (older, Nightwing alter-ego)

New Two-Face body, Ra's Al Ghul head -- tried this as a slightly different recipe than what others' had. Happy with the difference except the mouth still doesn't look right. This gives Dick a somewhat more grim appearance than I think he has in the show, but seems to match his bitterness.

Tim Drake (cartoon)

Small Robin with Sculpey for pants. Gloves Dremeled off. Something about the angle of this shot makes him look at little demented (a la Jay-Jay), but up close it's just a small smile.

Dick Grayson (younger, "Robin's Reckoning" episode)

Small Robin figure. Extra hair, gloves Dremeled off. Sweater added with Sculpey as were the jeans (and the cuffs). Hat made from Sculpey. This hat was easier than most hats because it's *very* oversized for young Dick.

The extra size made it easier to work with than most hats since it didn't have to be "skin-tight" to his head.

Robin JLA

New Batsy body, head is a Sculpey cast from a Mr. Freeze head. I'm not happy with this cast and will have to re-cast it again. Logo is painted freehand.

Robin Thrillkiller

Robin from the Thrillkiller Elseworld's comic is made from a very Dremeled SMOS Superboy figure and a Robin or Dick Grayson head (I don't remember which). The hair is added with Sculpey. I used Kryptcom's version of the character at first (gave me a good template for the hair) and then double-checked it with the comic. You can't quite see it in this picture, but he does have the yellow arrows on his sleeves, too.

Classic Robin

Small Robin figure with Sculpey for the boots, hair and edges of his flared overshirt.

Classic Nightwing

Made from a BTAS Robin figure, the collar is Sculpey as is the detailing on his hair (a little swirl of extra hair on his right). All details are painted free-hand.

Circus Dick

BTAS Dick Grayson with much of the arm musculature sanded down. The hair was also sanded down. A piece of cut plastic makes the round buckle of his belt. The wrist cuffs are actually the bits of gloves from the original figure, but sanded smooth. His shoes were Dremeled down a bit to more reflect the "bare foot" style of the costume. I can't remember what issue of the Batman Animated comic this came from, but I'll have a reference picture up on my site after the con debuts. may earn commissions when you shop at eBay.