Reign of the Supermen (Animated)
After the Video/DVD success of Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Warner Brothers has announced their next straight to video animated feature effort will be "Superman: The Reign of the Supermen," as a follow up to last years Superman: The Animated Series season 4 story arc "The Death of Superman."
All of the Reign of the Supermen (Animated) figures were made by Julius Marx.
Steel-JLA Steel head and cape, Brainiac body (heavily modified), wrist gauntlet- Sculpey and SW:POTF Bossk gun, lotsa Sculpey for shoulders and boots.
Superboy- From Batman: TAS Dick Grayson, jacket from Undercover Bruce Wayne trimmed way down.
Eradicator- Avengers Animated head, Speed Racer-Racer X body, Toy Fair Exclusive MOS Eradicator forearms and cape.
Cyborg Superman was made from: Metallo head, torso and right arm. Capture Net Superman right arm, waist and left leg. Lex Luthor right leg.
Lois- Superman: TAS Supergirl, sanded off boots, filled in bangs, Sculpey coat.