Green Lantern Corps

This Green Lantern Corps line is by Lars.

Check out his website!

Having started their full-time business in 2001, Lars' Action Figures has amassed quite a collection in their wildly successful line of Green Lantern Corps figures running the gamut from DC Animated to Manga to DC Direct stylings that have kept the fans coming back for more. Also, as a member of the Custom Coalition, Lars Action Figures works closely with Iron Cow Productions on top secret projects guaranteed to rule the action figure market at a later date. Also, Lars' Action Figures recent got a Runner Up in the recent 2002 Tomart's Action Figure Digest Custom Contest for a 70s'-style Batgirl and Manga Storm figure.

Lars' uses Tamiya & Model Master acrylic paints and seals the deal with Dullcote spray. The resin is Magic Sculpt (comes in 2 jars, mix & then thin with water. workable for hours and hardens overnight). Lar's also uses a Dremel rotary tool w/ flex shaft, sandpaper, Krazy glue and whatever is lying around to prepare & customize the figures. All decals are custom made using an Epson printer and Micromark Inkjet Decal Paper (white). Use the highest-quality setting when printing.

John Stewart: WWF Booker T w/ glow-in-dark ring

GL Kaneda & Manga Jade: McFarlane Akira Kaneda & Chaos Chastity

Jade: X-Men movie Rogue

Crime Syndicate of Amerika's Power Ring: a cheap 99 cent wrestling figure

Final Fantasy Green Lantern Corp: FF VIII figures

Green Lantern Corps Set 1: McFarlane Nitro Riders, Earthworm Jim & Ironman Mandarin may earn commissions when you shop at eBay.