In an unprecedented partnership with both DC Comics and Playmates Toys, Diamond Comics Distribution is presenting their exclusive "Springfield Heroes, DC Edition." This new line of Simpsons action figures depicts some of Springfields' finest as DC super heroes. The first wave of figures is set to include Senor Bumblebee as Ambush Bug, Willie as Aquaman, Lenny as Nightwing, Bart as Green Arrow and Homer as both Starman and Plastic Man. While these figures don't spout snappy dialogue like their counterparts, they do sport action sound effects appropriate to the individual comic book characters. The sound chips will work with the Radioactive Man/Fallout Boy Diamond Exclusive Playset released last year. As a Diamond Exclusive, Springfield's Heroes, DC Edition will be available in local comic shops across the United States late this year. Also on view was a Simpsons Batmobile with the Simpson family as various heroes and villains from the Batman family but no other information for the vehicle was given.
The choice of heroes for this line seems an unusual one but talks with various sources reminded me that such a partnership in this age of tangled licenses is quite an achievement in its own right. If successful, this line could pave the way for many more exciting licensing partnerships between 2 or more companies and those of us at Comic Con 6 sincerely hope this is the case.