Famous Covers
Famous Covers is Back!!! With the introduction of the new line... Famous Covers: Bring on the Bad Guys II
Due to popular demand Marvel has decided to revisit their line of Marvel Famous Covers Figures. Upon the original introduction of the Famous Covers styles figures people were immediately reminded of the popular 8" Mego figures of the 70s. Collectors point out to the clothing and multiple and uniformity of articulation for their attraction to the Famous Covers line.
Following the train of thought that there can never be enough bad guys for your figures to beat up. Marvel has introduced Famous Covers: Bring on the Bad Guys II.
Included in this line are perennial Avengers' Foe Immortus. The storyline follows that Immortus has hatched an unknown plan to steady the time stream. To achieve his plans, he summons, as he often has in the past a variety of villains to achieve his goals.
They are Cobra, Cotton Mouth, Attuma, and the Frightful Four: The Evil Wizard, The Tricky Trapster; the Long Haired Medusa, and the roughhousing Sandman.
