Marvel Universe: Unfinished Business
by Albert Lew.
Visit Al's Action Figures.
Classic X-Men Villains
Kings of Pain
Black King - Darkstalkers Dimitri with Wolverine head and milliput hair
Shadow King (Amahl Farouk) - Animated Spiderman Kingpin with milliput sunglasses, and fez hat
Toad - Legends of Batman Riddler body modified with milliput, Legends of Batman Joker head, felt collar, milliput hairdo

Destiny - Jean Grey body, Alpha Flight Aurora head, Alpha Flight Snowbird cape, helmet and crossbow made with milliput
Goblin Queen - Repainted Marvel Woman from Mutant X to "Inferno" version, cape is from Egyptian Batman from the legends of dark knight line

Arcade - Legends Batman Joker with X-Men Morph head and milliput hair
Black Tom - dremeled off "wood growth" from Black Tom figure, added wolverine hands, stick weapon from a Hercules figure
Mesmero - made from 1st Magento body and cape, Archangel 2 head with a milliput helmet and collar